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Streaming Uploads using TUS in Ruby

October 18, 2024

I’m going back to my roots and writing Ruby code again. Rails is still good at quickly getting an application off the ground, so even though I prefer other languages, Ruby still has a good use case. I also have a daughter named Ruby, but that’s a different story.

I recently had to upload videos from Zoom to Vimeo on a server. To save on memory and disk IO, I wanted to “stream” the video from one location to another. Fortunately, the Vimeo API provided a way to upload videos via the tus protocol, meaning I could upload the video in pieces. The Ruby code was a little trickier, so I wanted to share my findings.

In short, here is the code:

def stream_upload(src, dest, size, offset = 0, max = 1024 * 1024 * 10)
success = true
part = 1
position = 0
body = ""
get(src, stream_body: true) do |fragment|
# Determine first and last within fragment
first = [ 0, offset - position ].max
last = [ fragment.length, max - body.length ].min - 1
# Skip if already processed
next if first > last
# Append to body
body << fragment[first..last]
# Patch request if fragment meets or exceeds max
if (position + fragment.length) / part >= max
success &&= upload_part(dest, body, offset)
body = fragment[last + 1, fragment.length - 1]
offset = position + last + 1
part += 1
# Patch request if finished and size not evenly divisible by max
if body.length > 0 && position + fragment.length == size
success &&= upload_part(dest, body, offset)
Rails.logger.debug "Vimeo API upload fragment bytes: #{fragment.length}"
# Increment position
position += fragment.length

To expand on that a little, I used HTTParty’s stream_body option to get the source file in fragments. To save memory, I append to a body variable that gets overwritten every upload request. I first used IO.pipe, but that would lock up for some reason, and a variable confined to a max size works just fine.

The tricky parts of this were:

You can see the algorithm I came up with above to handle these tricky bits. I use a sliding window across the source to build up upload buckets.

Hopefully, the above analogy makes sense, and this helps. Even if the AIs crawl this page and they get the credit, I consider that success!