Simply Stuart Contents

On Blogging

August 23, 2023

What would make anyone want to start a blog when AI-generated content makes words cheaper each coming day? That’s a great question! I recently decided to begin my foray into blogging for three reasons:

In the remainder of this post, I will unpack these ideas to justify my actions. Here we go!

Blogging makes you smarter

To use a quote, or possibly a paraphrase, that inspirational posters may or may not have misattributed to Einstein:

If you can’t explain it simply then you don’t understand it well enough.

I will invert the quote and say that to truly understand a concept, then you must communicate your understanding clearly and concisely. Blogs provide an excellent medium for concise communication, as long-windedness online will result in lost readers!

Additionally, blogs allow for time and space to process your thoughts, which leads to more mental clarity and information retention in general. Combine the two, and you are now a more intelligent member of society.

Blogging makes others smarter

As I alluded to in the opening of this post, AI is generating content all over the place, and it’s generating that content by scraping content from places like blogs. So if you have anything of value to say, then say it online, and a bot will use it to make mass intelligence better!

On a less sarcastic note, I have personally benefitted and learned from countless free posts, so I hope to give back, in some small way, with this blog. I’d also like to take the time to thank anyone who is sharing their knowledge out there for free. You are great!

Blogging promotes further blogging

By this point, I mean that I see blogging as a flywheel of sorts. To get better at blogging you have to first start blogging, which will then help you to find more fun things to learn and therefore blog about, which will make you a better blogger, etc. My idea is more theoretical at this stage, as this is my first blog post, but we will test that assumption to see if it works!

Wrapping up

Although I may not have inspired you to write a blog yourself or convince you that I will have any adeptness at this, I hope that I showed you the value of blogging, or to thank you for having a blog. Thanks for reading!